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Morocco customer visit OV laser to check how our laser marking machine work

Morocco  customer visit OV laser to check how our laser marking machine work

Morocco  customer visited OV laser to check how our laser marking machine work specially and ready to establish Long-term business relationship with us.We showed him around our factory and demonstrated how our pneumatic Marking Machine  and fiber laser marking machine work.

  1. Morocco customer visit OV laser to check our laser marking machine factory

July.19,2019 Morocco  customer visit OV laser to check how our laser marking machine work

2.OV laser showed our Morocco customer  how our laser marking machine work

July.19,2019 Morocco  customer visit OV laser to check how our laser marking machine work

3.OV laser Staff  with  Morocco customer who purchased fiber laser marking machine

July.19,2019 Morocco  customer visit OV laser to check how our laser marking machine work

Address:Wuhan Optical Valley in laser equipment Ltd.


Marketing Center:?86-27-83566512??83566502??83566517??13707157835

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