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GGQD-042 cabinet type rocker suspension pneumatic marking machine

IntroductionAdvantagesTech dataSamples

Composition and working principle
     GGQD-042 cabinet-type rocker suspension pneumatic marking machine consists of hanging head, control box, industrial control cabinet, computer and software components, it is controlled by the computer to print the needle in the X-Y two-dimensional movement, Software set the trajectory movement, while the print needle in the role of compressed air under the action of high-frequency vibration, which in the workpiece plane, the curvature of the small arc or cylindrical axis to print out a clear, standardized, beautiful logo.

☆ product features and applications
     Two-dimensional institutions with linear motion guide, self-lubricating, self-sealing dust, to ensure that the marking machine for a long time after the work, the accuracy of the beginning, and the rails of the steel characteristics of the impact of sports system, anti- Standard high precision, durable; drive control panel selection of imported electronic modules, power supply imported electronic components;
    New WINDOWS operating system, Chinese and English characters, Arabic numerals, commonly used symbols, graphics, etc. can be entered, compatible with AUTOCAD mapping software to support a variety of format files. Maintenance is simple and safe. With the electronic, bar code machines, leak detectors and other equipment for data transmission. Can automatically print the production date, serial number, bar code and so on. Print content automatic storage, can be data query, statistical traceability, with the host computer database communication can achieve data collection, transmission and management of production information system management; with fault alarm and other functions, with multiple I / O interface and Complex control functions;
Cabinet series is equipped with fully enclosed control cabinet, moisture, dust, vibration, suitable for industrial use, can achieve higher customer requirements;
    Widely used, marking the head by the balance hanging hanging in the beam, in the large parts or inconvenient to move the special parts of the workpiece marking. Optional horizontal and side marking, optional electromagnetic adsorption or pneumatic clamping tooling. (Eg marking on a large oil pipe along the axis).

     Widely used, marking the head by the balance hanging hanging in the beam, in the large parts or inconvenient to move the special parts of the workpiece marking. Optional horizontal and side marking, optional electromagnetic adsorption or pneumatic clamping tooling. (Eg marking on a large oil pipe along the axis).


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