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GGJG-Q Hand-held Laser cleaning machine

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Wuhan Zhongguanggu Laser Equipment Co., Ltd. recently introduced the GGJG-Q series of hand-held laser derusting machine, which uses 50 watts to 1000 watts of power laser to metal surface rust, paint, and so debris burned. Light pulse speed is very fast, the workpiece surface to stay very short time, to avoid heat accumulation damage to be treated surface. While using the metal to reflect the light characteristics to ensure that the parts themselves will not be damaged.
      On the other hand, when the rust is instantaneously vaporized by the high temperature, and the plasma is separated, the reflectance of the lower metal is high at a certain pulse frequency, so that the rusted portion is not exposed to laser Will be damaged again, so this way is both efficient and safe laser, and even the parts of the surface of the letters, bolts such a small corner of the corner can be a perfect clean.
      The principle of laser cleaning machine (laser derusting machine) is mainly based on the surface of the object pollutants absorb laser energy, or vaporization volatilization, or instantaneous thermal expansion and overcome the surface of the particle adsorption force, so that the surface from the object, and then to clean purpose.

Laser cleaning with no grinding, non-contact, no heat effect and suitable for a variety of materials, cleaning characteristics, is recognized as the most reliable and most effective solution.
Laser power 50W ~ 1000W, according to the required requirements, any choice.

Precision cleaning, can achieve precise location, precise size selective cleaning.
Hand-held ultra-portable laser system, compact, lightweight Suitable for handling flat or curved surfaces, as well as highly complex three-dimensional geometries, elastomeric materials and plastic components, deep and smaller holes in the workpiece.
The design of complex and geometric structure of the surface of the mold can be flexible operation, user-friendly design of the laser head, easy to achieve automation, to provide the robot hand laser head, mechanized or hand-held operation is simple, eliminating the need for manual protection tool operations.
No abrasive and consumable media, clean, no chemicals, no need to clean up - green technology.
No damage to the substrate, non-contact cleaning.
Cleaning efficiency, cleaning rate of up to 15m 2 ~ 30m 2 / h. No chemical reagents, no need to clean, no waste residue, green, no pollution, laser cleaning after the surface completely clean.
Equipment operating costs are very low, almost no maintenance.
Simple operation, power can be.

Application Industry:
Aerospace / shipbuilding, automobile / machinery manufacturing, mold / hardware tools, food processing / chemical, rubber / tire, electronics / electrical appliances, weapons and equipment, building materials / cultural relics, steel structures, rail transportation / machine tools.

Can be used for derusting, degreasing, in addition to grease, in addition to grease, remove the dirt, remove the resin, remove the wax release agent, in addition to paint / paint stripping / stripping treatment, in addition to coating, remove the welding residue, in addition to oxide, cleaning Clean the surface, remove the production residue.



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