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Stainless steel

Stainless steel laser marking

Next to aluminum, stainless steel is the most commonly marked substrate we see at ZGG Laser.
It is used in virtually every industry.
There are several types of steels, each with varying carbon content, hardness, and finishes.
Part geometry and size also vary greatly, but all allow for a variety of marking techniques.
ZGG laser marking machine is capable of marking on stainless steel and the ideal system for your application depends on your marking requirements.
Stainless steel lends itself to every laser marking technique used today.
Carbon migration or annealing is rather simple and black anneals can be achieved with low or high wattage.
Etching and engraving are also easy, because the steel is absorbent and is good enough at thermal transfer to help mitigate damage.
Polish marking is possible, too, but it’s a rare choice because most applications require contrast.

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