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Coated&painted metal

Coated&painted metal laser marking

There are many types of coatings used to harden or protect metals from corrosive elements.
Some coatings, such as powder coat, are thicker and require more intense laser settings to completely remove.
Other coatings, like black oxide, are thin and meant to protect only the surface.
These are much easier to ablate and will provide great contrast marking.
ZGG laser marking machine is capable of marking on coated and painted metals and the ideal system for your application depends on your marking requirements.
It may not be ideal for removing a powder coat but it can easily mark a powder coat.
Our more powerful fiber lasers come in 20-50 watts, and can easily remove the powder coat and mark the underlying surface.
Our fiber lasers can ablate, etch and engrave coated metals.

Address:Wuhan Optical Valley in laser equipment Ltd.


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