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Tungsten and Carbide

Tungsten and Carbide laser marking

Tungsten and Carbide are two of the hardest metals on earth and are widely used in tooling and cutting applications.
Another popular segment for these substrates is wedding bands for men. Tungsten and carbide are receptive laser marking metals and laser engraving metals.
ZGG Laser marking machine is capable of marking on tungsten and carbide and the ideal system for your application depends on your marking requirements.
Because these metals are so hard, etching or engraving is typically not recommended.
For carbide, because of the darker color it naturally has, getting a contrasting mark is rather easy with even light laser intensity.
A white color is most common when polishing or annealing carbide and the contrast is extremely good.
Tungsten, being slightly lighter in color, requires an annealed mark to achieve proper contrast.

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