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Brass and copper

Brass and copper laser marking sample 1

Brass and copper have high thermal conductivity and thermal transfer properties and are used commonly for wiring, printed circuit boards and pressurized flow meters.
Their thermal properties are ideal for laser marking systems for metal because the heat is quickly dissipated.
This reduces the impact the laser can have on the structural integrity of the material.
ZGG Laser marking machine is capable of marking on brass and copper and the ideal system for your application depends on your marking requirements.
The best marking technique depends on the finish of the brass or copper.
Smooth surfaces can offer a soft polished marking affect, but they can also be annealed, etched, or engraved. 
Granular surface finishes offer little opportunity for polish.
Etching or engraving is best in order to provide readability by humans and machines.
In some cases a dark anneal can work, but surface irregularities can cause reduced readability.

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