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What is Laser Marking?

What is Laser Marking?


Laser marking is a process of permanently etching a design onto a marking surface. This could be wood, metal, plastic, paper, and various other solid elements. With each type of laser marking procedure you will have laser marking machines and other laser marking equipment that will get the job done effectively and efficiently, depending on the size and power of machine you choose, as well as the kinds of laser etching that you need.

Looking at the process of laser marking, you can easily see how this differs from routing or engraving. With routing or cutting you will actually shape an object with the laser beam actually cutting away at a piece of metal, wood, plastic or other material. Engraving is similar to marking, but with engraving you will go a bit deeper with the cut. Engraving is normally used to personalize items like awards, badges and signs, however, with laser marking you can get a much finer burn into the material and actually get much more detail. What is laser marking for? Well you can get it done for family portraits or other types of artwork, where an image is converted into the laser program and carefully etched or marked into any kind of material. Otherwise you can also use it for creating commercial stationary, for hobbies, and marking computer chips and other tiny, delicate items.

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